Volunteer Terms

Our club relies on parent volunteers to fulfill many important roles to fund raise, run swimming competitions, and some advisory and governance roles like our Board of Directors and various committees. By registering with Edmonton Keyano you agree to fulfill any associated commitments.
Participation Points
Members will have a Points commitment each season for a given number of participation points, and those points can be earned through a variety of activities like officiating at a swim meet (most common). Points commitments are according to the group in which your child(ren) register. Point Commitments are described in our Participation Points policy.
Bingo Commitments
Members will have a Bingo commitment each season for a given number of bingo shifts, and credit for those shifts is earned by volunteering at bingo events. The volunteer roles are very simple and can be trained on-the-spot for first time volunteers; most commonly, volunteers will sell cards for $1 to customers at a bingo event. Bingo commitments are according to the group in which your child(ren) register. Bingo Commitments are described in our Bingo Commitment Policy. 
Declining your Bingo Commitments
Any member may decline all or part of their bingo commitment and instead pay an additional $200 per bingo commitment (in addition to the posted training fee). To decline your bingos, either respond during registration that you prefer to 'Decline Bingos', or contact Chris at generalmanager@eksc.com and we will make adjustments to your fees and commitments based on your preference. 
Of note, proceeds from bingo events totaled over $300,000 per year between 2022-2024, and raised over $200 per volunteer shift. Pool rental expenses alone for a single season are over $500,000, and so these volunteer shifts are major contributors to keeping membership / training costs down for all members.
A full description of bingo commitments are described in our Bingo Commitment policy.